Thursday, November 12, 2009

Private Label - It's Not Just for the Cool Kids

Don't you just love press releases?
There is a certain mystery to these kinds of things. Like a secret formula with equal parts fluff, BS and smoke, while at the root of it all there lay some form of the truth all done up in her best prom dress. Pardon me as I enter the realm and issue one myself. (And I tried to go real easy on the fluff and BS...but the dress...well).

Carpé Charge Unveils Private Label Product for ISO’s

In direct response to feedback from the ISO reseller marketplace, Carpé Charge now offers their card acceptance software for merchants in private label options specific to the ISO. The skin of the virtual terminal can now take on your own ISO brand, look and feel with multiple customization options. The Carpé Charge brand name and logo is minimized while the ISO brand is prominently featured along with your custom colors and graphics.

“This gives ISO’s the added benefit of strengthening their brand of support and services to their merchants. Instead of having 3rd party branded products pop up all over the place, this new co-branding effort helps keep the lines of communication and support forward between the merchant and their ISO.” Says Dean Burke, Director of Sales and Marketing for Carpé Charge.

Best of all is the price. Customization by our Carpé Charge developers is free of charge for ISO’s who buy their product licenses in bulk. (And Carpé Charge does not take any residuals!)

Call Carpé Charge today and learn how we can increase your market brand equity with a custom private label virtual terminal. And Seize the Charge!

Now what do you do?
Call us at 253-857-6411 and we'll talk shop on how to make it your own.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Integrations - Plaid is the New Pink

Don't bother trying to explain it. Just accept it. Integrations to proecssors in the card payment industry are probably the most complex mess on earth today. In a world where 40 years ago we could launch three men in an air tight cone to the moon on 16K of memory, you'd think things might have advanced a notch or two in our industry...

All my mutternig aside, and I'm happy to report the birth of two new integrations for Carpé Charge..and more on the way.

For the week of Nov. 9th, please get your pens ready to write accounts for:
Chase Paymentech
First Data Nashville

And coming in 10-days-ish...Global.

The rest are in the hopper now and I'll shoot an update skyward as soon as they happen.

In other news...
We've got some very keuhl (aka: cool) things happening by way of custom branded/ private label product. ISO's understand the market value of keeping their wares branded to fit their house. It keeps the message cleaner to the merchant and keeps the headaches down when scanning the list of products.

If you want to talk about private label branding for your ISO...give us a shout.