Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sir Richard Branson Hears a Who

Would I be a fool not to take at least a little bit of input from my elders? Arguably so. But as with each of our individual needs, we'll all choose who passes our filters for advice. Here is one from the dude with the cool airplanes in the sky, Richard Branson.


Now let me ask this of our audience: How many of you dreamed of a career in the bank card industry? Come on now. Raise your hand. I'll wait.


Well, according to your application, seems most of you were looking at being an astronaut, race car driver, stunt man, lead guitar player for a rock band (some of you even the front man/ singer). A few more responsible types had ambitions for becoming a doctor. And a few really boring ones elected lawyer.

Seems few of us really ever laid in bed looking up at the stars and dreaming of how romantic, adventurous, dangerous or glamorous working in the bank card industry might really be.

For those of you who have hit the ball out of the park, please keep our little world a secret. After all, we still need kids to apply to be astronauts one day.

To that I want to want to help you put a face to our company. We adhere to a very strict "no tie" policy. We enjoy what we do. We laugh in the midst of our most hectic days. We enjoy our relationships with our partners. We have fun. We work hard. Very hard. We play hard. We have a passion for what we do, regardless the medium. And it just happens so, that we all landed here in a medium that we've found to be pretty interesting.

Transaction data transfer interesting? Well, sure. As interesting as that can be. But more so because of the people we've met with similar ideas and goals.

One of the very real and very core things that separates us from our "competitors" is that very attitude of who we are. Our turn-over here is so low its almost non-existent. We posses traits and abilities that you cannot hire. And all of this translates into a very great product. But that product is not greater than our people.

If that's who you are, aspire to be, or like to hang around - then we are your company.

Don't like people? Well, we have a great product all by itself too and you are welcome to it all the same. Just don't be offended if we are all smiling when you come through the door.