Monday, March 21, 2011

Game Changers & Game Joiners

In the bank card industry, to be a game-changer, you have to create a new channel of money or upset the risk management side of selling "discounts" to the point that you take away the other guys business like an avalanche.

But you can also be a game-joiner and still make headway. Whats import here, is that you know who you are and what your target is going to be.

Too often we see payment apps that try to be all things to all users. Truth be told, the re-selling ISO's are really the ones in the judges chair. It is their risk assessment that defines "who" that merchant really is, and "what" the best product to pair with their style of transactions (and risks) is going to work the best.

Whether a game-changer or joiner, make sure you know who your customer really is.