Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pass the Buck

You gotta love the card payment industry if no for no other reason than it's an entire vehicle that has found a way to split a penny up to 50 different ways. Its like the 6-Degrees of Kevin Bacon except that everyone who plays gets a piece of Kevin's money just for signing up. Or, like going to church and when they pass the offering plate, everyone goes ahead and skims a quarter, plus .15 cents off the last guy - and another nickel for taking the effort to pass the plate down the line.

This is all fine and good I suppose. It's a large industries model and it works. But it's kind of funny to hear the shock and awe in peoples voice when they hear that we (Carpé Charge) don't get into the stream of collecting residuals. That our fee for the software is what it is and no more. That we really post a single-price and that's actually what we charge. And that the ISO, agent, reseller or otherwise keeps their residuals and their margins right where they planned to in the first place.

It's a sustainable model and it's a model that has an identity uncloaked by smoke or curtains.
Consider this next time you are installing another software payment terminal and then contact us: www.carpecharge.com

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