Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Front Line

Vendors like us basically have two options to mobilize their product ideas:

a) Become an ISO so that you can complete the circle of setting up a merchant account and product. (which comes with a massive list of fees and logistics)
b) Put the product in the hand of professionals who are entrenched in the market and do everything you can to equip and support their mission.

Our aim is focused on the ISO/ MSP/ Agent channel. These are the people who sell the most important and critical pieces of the merchant account relationship. And our job becomes one of supporting that effort with a competitive product that compliments their portfolio.

We do this by making a product that is well targeted for a strong vertical, develop and support it 100% in-house and work toward integrating it with processors in ways that make the most sense for the market.

It's important to recognize this, because its a core component of our identity. That we position ourselves in line of support to the market in real time with the people who are on The Front Line.

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