Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Problem With Cloudy Weather

Who's to say which one is better...web based (cloud) solution termainals...or resident server based software? Are there pros and cons to each? Absolutely. But if you could only choose one, which would you choose and why?

Before I go on, I'll tell you that our end goal is to appease both solutions: web based and software based. So you might ask then "isn't it moot to care about the why's of both?" I don't think so and I'll explain.

Web based/ cloud solutions are getting a lot of hype right now. The mobile industry has driven this. Your smart phone works almost entirely on web based solutions. And in this trend, industry would like to sell you on other solutions that behave the same way.

In payments applications, this can present some issues. Namely, that to run a transaction with a cloud based system, you are engaging numerous additional steps to make this happen. For starters, your device must start the whole transaction by first calling up the application from the web. If step one is having issues, you cannot even proceed onto the rest. You are stuck, unable to complete a transaction. The basis of a web based gateway simply demands too many additional steps prior to the transaction actually moving to the direction of the end processor.

For a software based solution, you can at least store the transaction in a batch mode and run it once you have internet connectivity restored. And the transactions have far less steps involved to move toward the processor. In fact, they may have as little as one single step.

In almost anything, less is more. Simpler is better. The less moving parts required to get the job done, the more reliable the solution.

As mentioned above, we'll eventually offer a web based solution, if for no other reason than the market is somewhat divided on the topic and some people simply want them. Thats fine by us. We'll let the market make the decisions on what they want. Until then, we think its important for you to remain aware of the fundamental differences so that you can make decisions that are in the best interest of serving your merchants.

1 comment:


    There is a combination of a public and private cloud. Not sure if this is relevant to you.
